Get your ski or snow related business in front of thousands of potential customers!
Place your business advertising in our hands, the most popular English guide to Myoko-Nagano region.
Myoko-Nagano unites the local ski and travel community like never before. It is the home base for all things current within the region: news, weather, snow reports, videos, photos, forum, events and more. Unlike other ski websites (which are world wide or all-Japan), we are focused on a hyper-targeted and responsive demographic in the local region. Myoko-Nagano and its partners are a recognisable logo/brand that speaks for itself. Our web visitors can connect with freestyle AND backcountry skiers, recreational AND hardcore skiers plus general travellers to the region.
Advertise in Myoko, Advertise in Nagano
Myoko-Nagano is the recognised authoritative guide to Myoko Kogen and the surrounding Nagano areas of the Japan ‘White Triangle’. The website was launched in 2003 as the first English website focused solely on the area and is now the most popular and informative English portal for the Shin’etsu-kogen (northern Nagano) region, in particular – Myoko Kogen, Madarao Kogen, Nozawa Onsen, Nagano City, Hakuba, Matsumoto, Lake Nojiri-ko & Togakushi, as well as Japan Snow Monkeys. The site has the widest available range of accommodation in all of these areas – and all booking can be done online in English.
Why advertise with us?
We are recognised and trusted as the authoritative guide to the region
We are the leading online voice for Myoko Kogen and the surrounding regions. Although some other sites may claim to get more ‘clicks’ our focus is on only the local area. Visitors will not be overwhelmed and/or tempted by information from other resort areas and/or countries. This means that our visitors are far more relevant and likely to stay longer. Then, in turn, purchase or book via links on the site – thereby creating better value for advertisers.
We are not owned, operated or formally affiliated to any ski company, tourist board, government body or travel organisation. Therefore we are not under any commercial pressure to be biased toward certain interests and/or provide incorrect or misleading information. We often receive messages and emails thanking us for the services and unbiased information we provide.
The website also been linked or recognised as the authoritative guide by a variety of websites and travel companies including MSN Travel, HIS, JNTO France, Sydney Morning Herald, Lonely Planet, The News Corporation Travel Section and Qantas Travel Insider plus many, many others.
Comprehensive website(s)
We have literally hundreds of pages of useful information for our visitors. In 2012 we totally revamped to a new style as well as launching our own comprehensive booking engine. Further upgrading and improvements are continually undertaken. A redesigned website will be launching in late-2018/early-2019 with heightened functionality and features.
You can reach thousands of potential travel customers
More than 1,000 consumers each day research their Japan vacations using Myoko-Nagano and our partner sites (and many more during winter – nearly 60,000 total across four sites in January 2016) from all around the world. These particularly come from Australia, Europe and the U.S.A, as well as Japan – with visits averaging at least five minutes. Introduce your travel products and services (hotel, B&B, activity, tour package, rental/retail shop, restaurant, etc.) to thousands of qualified travellers. Around 50% of visitors usually ‘out click’ to one or more of the business links listed on the site, such as accommodation or ski areas.
Search engine reach
With targeted SEO our sites perform outstandingly. The Heart of Japan sites are usually listed within the top three listings with popular search terms on all major search engines, sometimes TWICE within the top three with a global traffic ranking of around 140,000 in the world.
Social media reach
Depending on the package negotiated we can also link your business at the top of our popular and comprehensive Google maps in your area, on our Facebook pages, Twitter, blog posts, our forum and other social media. Some of our Facebook posts/videos/pics have received thousands of views and likes.
The numbers
15 | Years in the business of spreading the great word about the region; | |||||
4.5 |
Minutes average time spent on the website; | |||||
30,000 | Unique monthly visitors (Ave. Jan-June 2016); | |||||
375,000 | Monthly page views (Ave. Jan-June 2016); | |||||
5,000+ | Facebook Fans; | |||||
0 |
Better ways to reach people researching or heading for the area; |
Numbers for individual websites can be supplied if required
Deliver your message at just the right time
We can help you reach consumers at the very moment they are researching their trip to the area. As a hotel owner, for instance, you would benefit greatly from listing your property with us. Consumers looking for hotels in your area could access your information, including a description of the property and a photo, and be well on their way toward booking a room!
Case studies
One local hotel previously received all of their bookings via agencies and booking engines. After listing on myokokogen.net and myoko-nagano.com in 2015/16, and allowing us to assist with their bookings, their private foreign reservations zoomed from 0% to 80%!
Another foreign-owned lodge promotes solely through two of our sites – no booking engines, no agencies. Since opening in 2014/15 they have consistently achieved 80-90% occupancy and guests remark on finding the lodge through our sites.
Our Advertising Rates
We offer competitive and cost effective rates for advertising on our sites. To discuss and receive a confidential marketing outline please contact us
This is an excellent opportunity to broaden your marketing to a focused market. Interested parties can take up more than one option/site or we can tailor something to suit. Feel free to e-mail us to discuss any matters further.
Advertise in Myoko, Advertise in Nagano
For local businesses
貴社ますますご繁栄のこととお喜び申し上げま す。
このたび、“スキー・ザ・ハート ・オブ・日本” (Ski the Heart of Japan)と“エクスプロー ラー・ザ・ハート・オブ・日本”(Explore the Heart of Japan.)という、ウェッブサイト上での広告掲載のご案内 をさせていただいております。
私どもはこれらの ウェッブサイトを平成15年に立ち上げて、妙高やその周辺地域を英語で紹介してきました。現在この二つのウェッブサイトへのアクセス 数が、毎 月五・六千人、多い時は八千人まで上るようになり、妙高に関する英語の旅行サイトの中では、人気ランキングのトップになることが 出来ました。
そこで妙高やその周辺地域が、これからも外国人旅行 者に人気が出ると予想されることから、これらのウェッブサイトに広告を掲載できるように致しました。広告掲載費は、短い文章なら、 一ヶ月わずか百円から載せることが出来ます。
また貴社のスキー スクール、もしくはスキーレンタルをサイトのリストに載せたい場合は、特別なページ(こちら here)に掲載すること ができます。この場合の掲載料は、一頁につきTBA円いただいております。どのページにでも掲載できるバナーの広告も同額です。複 数の広告の掲載を希望されるお客様には、割引をさせていただいています。
今後も妙高は、人気のある観光スポットに発展してい くと思われます。そのためにも、これを良い機会に、皆様の事業を広げるお手伝いができることを願っております。
尚、お支払い方法は、妙高の地元の銀行へ振り込んで いただくようお願い致します。ご質問等ありましたら、私のメールアドレスまで御連絡下さい。
今後とも、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 Contact us
Advertise in Myoko, Advertise in Nagano